Simanis-Laimins contact information is the BEST way to get a hold of me.  

Advanced Textiles 1 or FFF1 Periods 1,4,5, 7

Advanced Textiles 2 or FFF2 Period 8

Syllabi and course maps can be found on the general resources page of each course offered. 

I  am in my room zero period most days, check to see if I am in at lunch, and I stay to tutor Thursday after school, period 9 when Fashion Club meets.

My homework is usually assigned on Mondays and due the following Monday. Other homework may be assigned- if it is something small. Check the homepage of the blog for updates.

My assessment schedule varies. I consider most big projects assessments, so due dates are in direct relationship to the scope of the project and the class’ pacing.

I also give Quarter and Semester Exams on the dates according to the calendars set out by the Lane Tech administration.